Arduino Shield-Bot Tutorial Series

The Parallax Shield-Bot brings the excitement and educational potential of robotics to the Arduino. Go beyond basic microcontroller programming with the tutorials in the Main Lesson(s) section, or from the printed text in our kits.

Already gone through the print text or web tutorials? No problem! Check out the Projects section for some new ideas on how to go further with the Shield-Bot.

  • Prerequisite – If you are retrofitting an existing Boe-Bot to a ShieldBot robot, start here! If not, this prerequisite is not necessary to continue with the tutorial series.
  • Main Lesson(s) – This tutorial, or sequence of tutorials, takes you from start to finish through your robotics kit. You will progress through mechanical assembly and programming basics, to autonomous navigation using the sensors provided in your kit. No additional hardware is required to complete the main lesson(s).
  • Projects – Once you have completed the main lesson(s), or if you are simply looking for new ideas and activities, give these projects a try! Most will require one or more additional hardware components not included in the main robot kit. These items are usually available through our ecommerce website Check the parts list for each project for details on what you’ll need.