Propeller BlocklyProp Block Reference

About BlocklyProp Solo

BlocklyProp Solo is a free, online visual programming environment for the ActivityBot, Propeller FLiP module, and other robots and boards with the Propeller microcontroller.

Open BlocklyProp Solo

Looking for your BlocklyProp projects that used to be online?

BlocklyProp has migrated from the original community system that required a login for each user, to BlocklyProp Solo where no login is required. The original BlocklyProp stored users’ projects on a remote server, but BlocklyProp Solo stores users’ projects on their own local file systems.  If you did not download your BlocklyProp SVG files as per the notification posted during the 18 months preceding this transition, you may request a product archive. Email from the same email address used with your BlocklyProp account.

Read about how to use your archive here.

Language Reference

This language reference is for the Activity Board WX,  ActivityBot robot, FLiP,  WX, and other Propeller boards. For the Scribbler S3, see the Scribbler S3 Robot Block Reference.

Browse by topic or block category using the menu on the left.  Or, in the BlockyProp editor, right-click any block and choose “Help” to go right to the block’s reference page.

Getting Started Guides

Getting Started with BlocklyProp Solo

(For the Activity Board, AB360° Robot, FLiP Try-it Kit)

Getting Started with the Badge WX and BlocklyProp

Getting Started with the Scribbler S3 Robot

Scribbler S3 Robot Block Reference

NEED HELP??? If you get stuck, contact Parallax Tech Support: The BlocklyProp Solo Launcher and FAQ for Schools may also be of help installing BlocklyProp.